One way to make and save money is to buy used and sell stuff when you no longer have a need for it. Social media is now in on this! Facebook has groups that are very similar to craigslist. In my opinion things move a lot faster and for some reason seeing a first and last name along with a picture makes it feel somewhat safer and no spam.
Beaver County Area FB Kids Flea Market-This site is for buying and selling kids items, must be willing to travel to Beaver county. There is a Pittsburgh one but I like the Beaver county one better!
Beaver County Area Misc. FB Flea Market-This one is for everything else but kid stuff!
By selling things on the sites listed above I have easily made over $200....which went to my kid's Christmas :) I also scored some amazing deals and met some great people! Double bonus!
I can't get on the flea market site to check out the items.